Hello and welcome to It’s OK To Say! This website has been launched during what is a challenging and difficult time, COVID-19. It’s OK To Say was launched as a campaign on World Mental Health Day, October 10th, 2018 with the help of our amazing community. We became a charity at the beginning of this year, enabling us to secure funding to extend our help within the local community, schools, nurseries and colleges. To begin with, this was a local initiative, however I am contacted by people around the country and even abroad…exciting! My initial business plan was written on my couch with concepts in mind with lots of nerves! I am pleased to say that this little charity has grown organically and while we’re always looking for various ways to help with a thinking outside the box approach, our core messages are very clear;
*We want you to talk!
*Educate listeners and those concerned about others.
*Change perspectives towards mental health.
*Direct people to and publicise the help available.
*Actively encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promoting self-care (check out our wheel of hope by the lovely Claire Spake, who took the concept from my head and turned it into reality).
*Promote preventative steps overseen by our team of professionals.
*We work with businesses and organisations in creative ways initiating ‘mentally healthy’ campaigns and projects.
*We work with key people to help deliver and emphasise our key messages.
Partnering with the Herts Advertiser has allowed our reach to be even greater. In January, the Herts Ad recorded 489, 834 page impressions and had 172, 913 unique visitors. When I was writing up my little business plan, I never thought it would be possible to reach over 30,000 people per week.
So, from my couch to yours, I am sending you so much love. Stay safe, stay well, be kind to yourself and reach out for help, don’t hesitate, do it! Oh, and keep coming back to check in on us, as this site is developing every week, we’re not quite finished.
Soon, you will notice a new anxiety pulse button, a school brochure download with our much anticipated schools initiative, doctors surgery support plus much, much more! Don’t miss our new podcast.
Lots of Love,
Stacey X
Please allow some time to check in with yourself.
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